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Change can be good...no really, it can! 

Let's face it, change can be hard. I like to think that I navigate it well but truth be told I struggle with change as much as the next person. In particular, technology changes. Not my strong suit at the best of times, but once I learn it I pray to all that is governing technology, please DO NOT change it!!! Seriously, what was wrong with the iPhone button anyways??

Change is something that we deal with every day with our clients. Although the decision to move and change homes is more often than not a decision they have come to willingly, it can still be tough to deal with all the extra stress that comes with that change. I've seen this reduce really great people (you know who you are!) into anxious, stressed out versions of their normal selves. 

You know what? That's totally ok. We've got you. 

While there may be unforeseen stresses surrounding a move and a lifestyle change, it's important to choose a professional Realtor who will help you through this process. Ideally your Realtor will step in and help address some or most of the many obstacles you face. 

Your Realtor should be your biggest asset. Really, we get paid well, please lean on us! We like to think that we are your go to for services, cleaners, movers, repairmen, and just about everything else. We understand school schedules, planning a move with pets, juggling work and packing, leaving behind a familiar neighborhood and adjusting to a new one. At this point there is very little we haven't seen. Trust me when I say we really want to help with all of this. 

So two takeaways from this, first and most importantly we are a full service Real Estate team and we are here for you every step of the way. Second, if you have had a positive experience with a local business, tradesperson, company, or service we'd like to hear about it. We love to support trusted professionals who have done a great job for people we know and we especially love to share that info with all of our clients who need a hand. 

I'm not going to say change is always good, but with support and oftentimes wine, change can be managed!